Shinrin-yoku or “forest bathing” The term emerged in Japan in the 1980s as a physiological and psychological exercise. The purpose: to offer an eco-antidote to tech burnout and to inspire humans to reconnect with and protect forests. “I only went out for a...
Celebration time! Looking forward to the new stories we will make together...
Here in Central Illinois it's getting close to farmer's market season. A time to walk Water Street, see all the people with their baskets, totes, and wagons walking through an avenue of fresh veggies, beautiful flowers, yummy treats, and artisan wares. To us...
Hello 2021... meet Wild Routed! Many know us as the owners of Smiley Graphix Studio. A website + branding agency located in the Warehouse District, Peoria, IL. When we started the graphic tee business in 2020, we didn't know what to name our little store...