Wild Routed
Food As Adventure
We recently drove to Sedona, Arizona to celebrate the new year! Day 1: Hike to Devil's Bridge (free) Day 2: Hike around the Grand Canyon ($80 NPS 1 Year Family PASS) Day 3: Hike the lava flows from an extinct Volcano (free w PASS) Day 4: Randomly choose a cafe close by and have the best meal of our life. This experience reminded us how important food is to our soul... the loving care and craftsmanship of good healthy food. You can feel it and see it. Food affects our health, our mood and our emotions. Why do we rush through so...
Take in the Outdoors
We live in a fast-paced world today... screens, responsibilities... you know what were talking about right? It's easy to get in "rat-race" mode and some times hard to wind down. Take a deep breath in and close your eyes... think of what it was like when you were a child playing outside. What do you hear and feel? (insert birds chirping here) Now, open your eyes. Even if it's in your own back years, a sense of peace can be found outdoors. Happy New Year! Let's take back our time in nature :-) De, John and Brennen Photo...